Pocket Notebook with Synthetic
Speech Output for the Blind Users

Equipped with synthetic speech and the Braille keyboard, the notebook performs many tasks in several ways. It can serve as a notetaker. Users can make lists, search through them, remove or add items. They can ask for the time or date. In addition to accurate time, there are also stop watch, alarm clock and count-down timer funkctios. The telephone directory makes it possible to store names, phone numbers and addresses. The diary maintains users appointments and reminders of important events.

The notebook can exchange information with a computer via an infrared port or a cable. Hence, a user can work with the notebook anywhere, and later transmit his work to a computer, or receive a large amount of information (eg an entire book) from a net-connected computer and read the information with the notebook whenever and wherever he or she likes. Due to pocket dimensions (182x100x26mm), low weigh (300g) and build-in rechargeable battery, the user has an aid for instantaneous every-day use.


Please, do not hesitate to contact Radim Matulik for more information.

Technical Specifications

Keyboard 7+1 Braille keys
Czech ASCII text with buil-in grammar, variable pitch,
speed, volume of speech
Memory 1 Mbyte

MMC/SD memory card slot (upto 2GB storage)

  • Printer
  • Bidirectional communication
  • 1.44 Mbyte Floppy Disk Drive
  • 100 & 250 Mbyte ZIP disk drive

Serial RS-232C - up to 115 KBaud

Serial Infra Red - up to 4 Mbit/second

External standard PC keyboard

External temperature probe


Power Integral rechargerable NiMH battery
Dimensions 182 x 100 x 26 mm
Weight 300 grams
