DDECS 2006 Conference
Our group will present a paper and a poster at the DDECS 2006 conference in Praha, Czech Republic (Apr. 19-22, 2006). The paper describes an FPGA-based fault simulator and its evaluation, the poster shows design and verification methodology for designs with dynamic reconfiguration in Atmel FPSLIC.
Milan Tichy is back from Dublin
We welcome our colleague Milan Tichy back from the Trinity College
Dublin. He was busy there with implementing affine-projections
algorithms in FPGA using logarithmic arithmetic.
He has studied the design of digital adaptive filter at algorithmic
level and its efficient implementation in FPGA devices. Special
attention was payed to the problems of mapping of the algorithms to
the FPGA architecture using the High-Speed Logarithmic Arithmetic (HSLA) library.
His work was financed by the Marie-Curie Fellowship project under the
Sixth Framework Programme of the European Commission.
International Workshop on Applied Reconfigurable Computing (ARC 2006)
Our group has spent wonderful three days at the ARC2006 workshop in
Delft (the Netherlands) in March, organized in cooperation with the
IEEE Benelux Computer Society. We have presented a paper on "Efficient
Floating-Point Implementation of High-Order (N)LMS Adaptive Filters in
FPGA". The paper will appear in the conference proceedings, published
by Springer Verlag within the LNCS series (Lecture Notes on Computer
We thank all the workshop organizing team - well done!
The AETHER Project
Our group is a member of the consortium of the EC-funded research project "AETHER - Self-Adaptive Embedded Technologies for Pervasive Computing Architectures". AETHER aims at demonstrating that self-adaptive computing architectures can be a powerful approach to address the major technical issues (e.g. heterogeneous computing devices, embedded systems, new processor technologies, reconfigurable architectures) raised by pervasive computing in a rapidly changing world where virtually every object is getting a processing capability. More information can be found h e r e or on the project website. Martin Danek