Full HD HDMI In-Out HW-Accelerated Demos for Zynq System-on-Module TE0720-03-2IF and TE0701-05 Carrier Board


This application note describes use of an evaluation package with 3 edge detection and 3 motion detection video processing designs on the Trenz TE0701-05 platform with industrial grade Zynq XC7Z020-2I device on System on Module TE0720-03-2I. All demonstrated video processing algorithms have been developed, debugged and tested in Xilinx SDSoC 2015.4 environment. Algorithms have been compiled by Xilinx SDSoC 2015.4 system level compiler (based on the Xilinx HLS compiler) to Vivado 2015.4 projects, and compiled by Vivado 2015.4 to bitstreams. The SW access functions controlling the HW accelerators have been exported to the Xilinx SDK 2015.4 SW projects as static .a libraries for standalone ARM Cortex A9 applications. This application note also describes 4 edge detection algorithms defined in the SDSoC 2015.4 in form, which enables in the SDK 2015.4 the parallel execution of predefined video processing HW paths with C user code on ARM.

Main objectives are:

  • To demonstrate how to install, compile, modify and use the enclosed SW projects in the SDK 2015.4.
  • To demonstrate the HW accelerated video processing algorithms and the speedup against SW versions.
  • To demonstrate parallel execution of predefined video processing HW paths with C user code on ARM.

Evaluation license:

The evaluation version of the package can be downloaded from UTIA www pages free of charge for evaluation of HW accelerated edge detection and motion detection algorithms.

See Section 4 of the application note for specification of deliverables and license details.

Package Summary

Title Full HD HDMI In-Out HW-Accelerated Demos for Zynq System-on-Module TE0720-03-2IF and TE0701-05 Carrier Board
Filename t20i2h1_V54_IMPORT.zip
License t20i2h1_2015_4_te0720.pdf for licensing conditions.
Package content ZIP archive with precompiled Vivado 2015.4 projects demonstrating Full HD HDMI In-Out HW-Accelerated Demos for Zynq System-on-Module TE0720-03-2IF and TE0701-05 Carrier Board.
Size ZIP file: 33705617 Bytes
PDF file: 2654176 Bytes
Required tools
& platform
Xilinx SDK 2015.4
Installation notes See application note

Result Category

Project number Year RIV category Comment
7H14004 2016 Gfunk Functional sample (demo)

Kontaktní osoba

V případě potřeby kontaktujte odpovědnou osobu, kterou je Jiri Kadlec.