Our group will present results of our analysis of execution efficiency for the microthreaded processor UTLEON3 at the ARCS2011 conference. The presented work is one of the results of the Apple-CORE project. The presentation will take place in Como on February 24.
SPPRA 2011
Our group will present a paper at the Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, and Applications - SPPRA 2011 conference. The paper title is "A semi-automatic software tool for batch processing of yeast colony images". The conference, organized by IASTED, will be held in Innsbruck, Austria, next week.
Best Paper Award at BIOINFORMATICS 2011
The paper Automated Counting of Yeast Colonies Using the Fast Radial Transform Algorithm of our colleagues Jan Schier and Bohumil Kovář, presented at the BIOINFORMATICS 2011 conference, has been awarded the Best Paper Award. The conference was held January 25-29 in Rome, Italy.
Automated Counting of Yeast Colonies at BIOINFORMATICS 2011
Our group will present a full paper at the BIOINFORMATICS 2011 International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms in Rome in January 2011. The paper title is "Automated Counting of Yeast Colonies Using the Fast Radial Transform Algorithm". It describes the solution used for counting yeast colonies which has been used in the colony counter, developed in our department. The tool can be downloaded here
Our group will present a poster at the FPL2010 conference. The poster title is "Reducing Power Consumption of Embedded DSP Platform through Clock-Gating Technique". The presentation will take place in Milano on September 1.
UTLEON3 presented at DDECS2010
Our group will present an implementation of a modified LEON3 processor with a hardware support for micro-threading at the DDECS2010 conference in Vienna next Thursday. The work has been supported by the European Commission within the Apple-CORE project.