UTIA Presentation at IPSOC 2014 conference

Our group presented recent results at the IPSOC 2014 conference held in Grenoble 4 - 6 November 2014. At the Things2Do project booth, we presented a poster describing the evaluation design on Artix7 FPGA and the related design flow in the Xilinx Vivado 2013.4 IP Integrator.

Milada Kadlecova
November 18, 2014

UTIA Presentation at EMC2 Market Place

Our group presented recent results at the EMC2 Market Place held in Oldenburg, Germany, from September 29th to October 2nd. We presented the asymmetric multiprocessing demo on ZYNQ.

Milada Kadlecova
November 18, 2014


Our group is a member of the consortium of the ENIAC KET Pilot Line project called PANACHE. The project objective is to set-up a pilot line for embedded Flash technology design and manufacturing platform for the prototyping of innovative μcontrollers in Europe. The Kick-off meeting was held at STMicroelectronics on June 25, 2014 in Crolles, France. More information can be found here.

Milada Kadlecova
August 22, 2014

Things2Do Project

Our group takes part in the ENIAC KET Pilot Line project called Things2Do. This project is building the Design and Development Ecosystem for FD-SOI-technology. The Kick-off meeting took place at STMicroelectronics on June 20, 2014 in Grenoble, France. Detailed information can be found here and on the project website.

Milada Kadlecova
August 22, 2014

EMC2 Project

Our group participates in the ARTEMIS Innovation Pilot Programme project EMC2. The project finds solutions for dynamic adaptability in open systems, provides handling of mixed criticality applications under real-time conditions, scalability and utmost flexibility, full scale deployment and management of integrated tool chains, through the entire lifecycle. The EMC2 project objective is to establish Multi-Core technology in all relevant Embedded Systems domains. More information can be found here and on the project website.

Milada Kadlecova
August 22, 2014


Our group is involved in the ARTEMIS JU project ALMARVI. This project provides the core of solutions for the big societal challenges like affordable healthcare and wellbeing, green and safe transportation, and reduced consumption of power. The Kick-off meeting was held at Philips Healthcare on April 15 and 16, 2014 in Best, the Netherlands. More information can be found here or on the project website.

Milada Kadlecova
August 22, 2014