Cross Ambiguity function Accelerator presentation in MAPLD

Our group will present a paper and a poster at the MAPLD conference in Washington D.C., DC, USA (Sept. 26-28, 2006). The paper describes the FPGA based accelerator architecture and implementation for Cross Ambiguity function. The accelerator is planned to be used as a part of the Passive Coherent Location signal engine.

Antonin Hermanek
Sept. 20, 2006

PicoBlaze Network for DSP Computations

The  March issue of the Xilinx Embedded Magazine published our article that describes the concept of a network of master/slave PicoBlaze processors used for flexible FPGA implementations of DSP algorithms.
More details can be found on the  Xilinx web page.

Jiri Kadlec
July 10, 2006

UTIA and Celoxica Sign a Research Contract on DSP

Last week UTIA and Celoxica signed a research contract under which UTIA will develop selected DSP cores for programmable logic implementations of next-generation digital-signal processing applications. For more information see Celoxica press release.
A short notice was also published in the June 12 issue of the Czech news portal

Martin Danek
June 12, 2006

UTIA booth at ARTEMIS Annual Conference

We presented our current research projects at the 3rd ARTEMIS Annual Conference held in Graz, Austria, on May 22-24, 2006, at UTIA booth.

Jiri Kadlec
June 10, 2006

A paper in the Czech Communication Technology Journal

The Czech Communication Technology Journal has published an article about dynamic reconfiguration of FPGAs (in Czech) jointly written by researchers from our department and the Department of Computer Science, Czech Technical University, Faculty of Electrical Engineering.

Martin Danek
April 10, 2006

UTIA in European Electronic Engineer

An  article in European Electronic Engineer mentions UTIA research on tools for dynamic reconfiguration for FPGAs.

Martin Danek
April 3, 2006