- Tutorials for Vitis AI 2.0 Applications on Trenz Electronic Modules
- Fast Bayesian Algorithms for FPGA Platforms
- Terminal for Intelligent Camera with STM32H743 40nm Controller
- High Level Flow for Design and Evaluation of Reconfigurable HW Models of FDSOI IPs
- Dense Optical Flow Demo
- Video Processing with Python 1300 Sensor and EdkDSP Accelerator
- Walnut Harvest Protection Use Case
- Asymmetric Multiprocessing on EMC2-DP
- EdkDSP reprogammable floating point accelerators on FPGA with HDMI video I/O
- EdkDSP reprogammable floating point accelerators on Kintex FPGA with HDMI
- In-circuits, run-time compiler of finite state machines for the UTIA EdkDSP customizable accelerators
- UTIA EdkDSP Platform in the SMECY Project
- SMECY: Video Surveillance Application
- Foreground Detection and Image Segmentation in a Flexible ASVP Platform for FPGAs
- UTLEON3 - SPARC v8 with Micro-Threading
- Resource Manager for Heterogeneous UTIA DSP Platform
- Floating Point Basic Computing Elements for Xilinx MicroBlaze PLB bus in SDK 13.1
- VLAM Virtual Laboratory of Microprocessor Technology Applications
- Blind image deconvolution algorithm on NVIDIA CUDA platform
- Reducing Power Consumption of an Embedded DSP Platform through the Clock-Gating Technique
- Reconfigurable Hardware Objects for Image Processing on FPGAs
- Image processing for microbiology - Analysis of yeast colony growth
- PCORE Accelerators Library
- FSL/PLB Floating Point Accelerators for Xilinx MicroBlaze (ISE/EDK 10.1 and 11.2)
- Micro-Threaded LEON3 Processor
- Architecture Paradigms and Programming Languages for Efficient programming of multiple CORES
- PCORE Accelerators Library - GSFAP
- PCORE Accelerators Library - (N)LMS
- Reconfigurable Emulator for Time-Annotated ASIC Netlists
- PCORE Accelerators Library - LS Lattice
- Decoding Convolution and Reed-Solomon Code in FPGA
- Reconfigurable Image Processing Accelerator
- Floating Point Accelerators for MicroBlaze - Partial Runtime Reconfiguration
- Floating Point Accelerators for MicroBlaze EDK-Based Systems
- Rapid Prototyping Platform for Reconfigurable Image Processing
- Accelerating MicroBlaze FP Operations
- MicroBlaze Co-Processor: LS Lattice with Order Portability Estimation
- Accelerator for Decoding Convolution and Reed-Solomon Code
- A Novel Emulation Technique that Preserves Circuit Structure and Timing
- Simulink Model Converter for Embedded Video Accelerator
- Design and Verification Methodology for Reconfigurable Designs in Atmel FPSLIC
- Reconfiguration of FPGAs: Data Logger in Three FPGA Configurations in Celoxica RC10
- Floating-Point DSP Acceleration in FPGAs: The First Step Towards the SANE Concept
- Reconfigurable Handel-C FSL Accelerators for MicroBlaze
- Simulink as a Tool for Prototyping Reconfigurable Image Processing Applications - RIPAC
- GSFAP Adaptive Filtering using Log Arithmetic for Resource-Constrained Embedded Systems
- HW Co-simulation with communication server from MATLAB/Simulink
- Front End Tools for a Dynamic Reconfiguration
- GIN - A Note-Taker for Blind People: An Example of Using Dynamic Reconfiguration of FPGAs
- Dynamic Reconfiguration in FPGA-Based SoC Designs
- Figaro - An Automatic Tool-Flow for Designs with Dynamic Reconfiguration
- Performance Tuning of Iterative Algorithms in Signal Processing
- Specification of Qualitative Criteria and Optimization of Resources for Broadband Access Networks
- Center of Applied Cybernetics
- Coordinating Strategies for Embedded Systems
- Knowledge Base for RTD Competencies in IST
- Branch Contact Organization for IST
- Digital Video-Sensoric System of a Reconnaissance Robot
- Design Methodology and Environment for Dynamically RECONFigurable FPGAs
- Reconfigurable Testing Accelerator
- Reconfigurable Image Processing Accelerator
- Participation in the Evolution of the Standardization for Embedded Software for Automotive Industry
- Architecture Design for FPGA Implementation of Finite Interval CMA
- Fault Classification for Self-Checking Circuits Implemented in FPGA
- Autocorrelation Demo
- FPSLIC Prototyping Board ADK1
- Design Guidelines for AT40K/AT94K Dynamic Reconfiguration
- Extended FPSLIC Platform for Dynamic Reconfiguration
- FPGA Modelling for High-Performance Algorithms
- Automatic Partitioning for Dynamic Reconfiguration and Retiming
- 24-bit Floating-Point Accelerator in Atmel FPSLIC and Xilinx Virtex2
- Using Logarithmic Arithmetic to Implement the Recursive Least Squares (QR) Algorithm in FPGA
- AVR Core Supported Dynamic Reconfiguration
- Dynamic Reconfiguration of FPGAs
- Scalable, Short-Latency Floating-Point
- FPGA Implementation of Recursive QR Update Using LNS Arithmetic
- FPSLIC Prototyping Board for Portable Applications ADK1
- Using Logarithmic Arithmetic for FPGA Implementation of the Givens Rotations
- MATLAB/Simulink Based Methodology for Rapid FPGA Prototyping
- FPGA Implementation of the Adaptive Lattice Filter
- Prototyping of DSP Algorithms on FPGA
- FPGA Prototyping Using Extensions to MATLAB/Simulink
- Dynamic Reconfiguration for Atmel FPGAs
- Lattice IP Core used in Real-time Lattice Demo on XESS Board
- RLS Lattice Macros for Virtex/E/Virtex2 with LNS ALU 19/32-bit
- Adaptive Recursive Least Square Lattice Filter
- Logarithmic Dual Pipelined ALU Macros 19-bit and 32-bit
- Matlab Toolbox for High-Level Bit-Exact Emulation of FPGA Designs
- Pipelined Implementations of the a Priori Error-Feedback LSL Algorithm Using Logarithmic Arithmetic
- Logarithmic Arithmetic Core Based RLS Lattice Implementation
- European Logarithmic Microprocessor
- Floating-Point Like Arithmetic for FPGA
- RLS Lattice - Celoxica RC200 Demo
- RECONF - Project Presentation
- Logarithmic (dual) ALU Core
- Logaritmická (dvojitá) aritmetická jednotka
- Adaptive Recursive Least Squares Lattice Filter
- Adaptivní Lattice filtr