Xilinx Vitis AI facedetect Demo on Trenz Electronic TE0820 4EV SoM with TE0701 06 Carrier Board and Avnet HDMI In/Out FMC Card


The document provides a tutorial describing setup and run Vitis AI 2.0 facedetect demonstrator on Trenz TE0820-4EV SoM with Trenz TE0701-06 carrier board and Avnet HDMI In/Out FMC card. The system uses a Xilinx DPU unit to accelerate calculations. An input video data are taken from the HDMI input (FMC), processed data are displayed via HDMI output (FMC). The system desktop is shown via HDMI output on TE0701 carrier board. As the TE0820-4EV provides H.264/H.265 Video Codec Unit (VCU), the demonstrator is configured to use the decoder of the VCU.

Package Summary

Title Xilinx Vitis AI facedetect Demo on Trenz Electronic TE0820 4EV SoM with TE0701 06 Carrier Board and Avnet HDMI In/Out FMC Card
Download te0820_4ev_vitis_ai_vcu_vdma.zip
License te0820_4ev_vitis_ai_vcu_vdma_v1_0.pdf for licensing conditions.
Package content VITIS AI 2.0 face detection example HW accelerated on TE0820 4EV SoM on TE0701-06 Carrier Board and Avnet HDMI In/Out FMC Card.
Size PDF file: 2 567 288 Bytes
ZIP file: 825 353 Bytes
Required tools
& platform
Xilinx Vitis 2021.2.1, Petalinux 2021.2 and multiple open source installation packages
Installation notes See the application note

Result Category

Project number Year RIV category
8A21009 2023 Gfunk

Kontaktní osoba

V případě potřeby kontaktujte odpovědnou osobu, kterou je Lukas Kohout.