FP01x8 Accelerator on TE0726-03M


This application note and evaluation package describes released UTIA support for the evaluation version of 8xSIMD FP01x8 floating-point, run-time-reconfigurable accelerator for the ZynqBerry board.

ZynqBerry TE0726-03M works with Xilinx XC07010-1C device with the dual core Arm A9 32 bit and relatively small programmable logic area on single 28 nm chip. The ZynqBerry PCB has RaspberryPi 2 form factor. The ZynqBerry board is designed and manufactured by the company Trenz Electronic.

SW developer can program application without SDSoC 2018.2 compiler license. The standard g++ compiler and "make" can be used for compilation of SW directly on the board.

The accelerator and HW data communication is represented for the SW developer as shared C++ library with simple SW API, identical for several alternative HW data movers.

ZynqBerry board with evaluation version of the FP01x8 floating point accelerator

Package Summary

Title FP01x8 Accelerator on TE0726-03M
Download fp01x8v26_115_eval_release.zip
License AppNote-FitOptiVis-te0726_fp01x8_short.pdf for licensing conditions.
Package content Precompiled Debian SD Card image. SW evaluation examples for FP01x8 accelerator in source code. Application note in .pdf.
Size ZIP file: 739315803 Bytes
PDF file: 2015899 Bytes
Required tools
& platform
Xilinx SDK 2018.2, Xilinx Lab tools 2018.2
Installation notes See AppNote-FitOptiVis-te0726_fp01x8_short.pdf

Result Category

Project number Year RIV category Comment
8A18013 2019, update 2020 Gfunk Functional sample (demo)

Kontaktní osoba

V případě potřeby kontaktujte odpovědnou osobu, kterou je Jiri Kadlec.