Full HD Toshiba Video Sensor Platform with Automotive Grade Arm Zynq on TE0720-03-1QF SoM on TE0701-05 Carrier

Key features

Video processing in automotive applications require processors capable to operate in extended temperature range. This application note describes HW platform performing edge detection and motion detection video processing for Toshiba colour video sensor with fixed Full HD resolution (1920x1080p60) with processing performed by Xilinx Zynq automotive xa7z020-1Q located on the TE0720-02-1QF SoM from Trenz.

Arm Cortex A9 processor of Xilinx Zynq part xa7z020-1Q is performing initialisation and synchronisation of the video processing chain. Program and the FPGA image is downloaded to the board from the Xilinx SDK 2015.4 via USB JTAG to the 1GB DDR3 located on the Zynq system on module. System can be also started directly from the SD card. Arm processor initiates the IP cores in the programmable logic (PL) part of the Zynq part xa7z020-1Q. It also initiates the Toshiba video sensor and the HDMI video output to monitor with fixed Full HD resolution (1920x1080p60).

  • Raw video data are provided by the Toshiba video sensor.
  • Data are processed into the YCrCb 16 bit per pixel format and stored by Video DMA (VDMA) to input video frame buffers (VFBs) defined in the DDR3.
  • HW DMA controller(s) send data from the input VFBs to the processing accelerators in PL.
  • Another DMA controller(s) send processed data from HW to the output VFBs in DDR3.
  • Second part of the VDMA is sending data to the HDMI display with resolution 1280x1024p60.

Evaluation license

The evaluation version of the package can be downloaded from UTIA www pages free of charge for evaluation of HW accelerated edge detection and motion detection algorithms for the Full HD video sensor on TE0720-03-1QF module located on TE0701-05 carrier.

The evaluation package includes SDK 2015.4 SW projects with C source code for Arm Cortex A9 processor (32bit) in standalone mode.

The evaluation package includes these static libraries for Arm Cortex A9 processor (32bit) for standalone mode:

  • libfmc_imageon.a   SDK 2015.4 UTIA static library with interface functions for video IP cores
  • libsh01.a   SDSoC 2015.4 static library for HW accelerator in project sh01
  • libsh02.a   SDSoC 2015.4 static library for HW accelerator in project sh02
  • libsh03.a   SDSoC 2015.4 static library for HW accelerator in project sh03
  • libmd01.a   SDSoC 2015.4 static library for HW accelerator in project md01
  • libmd02.a   SDSoC 2015.4 static library for HW accelerator in project md02

These libraries have no time restriction.
Source code of these libraries is not provided in this evaluation package.

Package Summary

Title Full HD Toshiba Video Sensor Platform with Automotive Grade Arm Zynq on TE0720-03-1QF SoM on TE0701-05 Carrier
Filename t20q1t1_V54_IMPORT.zip
License t20q1t1_2015_4_te0720.pdf for licensing conditions.
Package content ZIP archive with precompiled Vivado 2015.4 projects demonstrating Full HD Toshiba Video Sensor Platform with Automotive Grade Arm Zynq on TE0720-03-1QF SoM on TE0701-05 Carrier.
Size ZIP file: 18117284 Bytes
PDF file: 1865612 Bytes
Required tools
& platform
Xilinx SDK 2015.4
Installation notes See application note

Result Category

Project number Year RIV category Comment
7H14006 2016 Gfunk Functional sample (demo)

Kontaktní osoba

V případě potřeby kontaktujte odpovědnou osobu, kterou je Jiri Kadlec.