HSLA version 3.0.0 evaluation package

The complexity of the standard IEEE floating point implementation negatively affects the use of advanced DSP and control algorithms in FPGA applications. A perspective solution is the Logarithmic Number System (LNS), which is well suited for the FPGA environment. The High Speed Logarithmic Arithmetic (HSLA) represents an attempt to implement the LNS in the FPGA technologies. All the basic operations of logarithmic arithmetic in the HSLA are implemented both with the covered data range and the precision equal to or better than the standard IEEE 32-bit floating point used in new DSPs.

This evaluation package includes the Matlab HSLA Toolbox and the Logarithmic Arithmetic Unit (LNS ALU) operating in the 32- or 19-bit precision environment. The toolbox consists of a set of C libraries and a set of Matlab mex functions. The C libraries enable users to develop their own applications. The mex functions provide basic arithmetic operations, i.e. logarithmic addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and square-root. All Matlab functions work with scalars, some of them can also operate on matrices. Two versions (32- and 19-bit precision) of the LNS arithmetic are provided.

This package is intended for a user who plans to use the HSLA libraries to write his own C applications, a user whose intention is to use the HSLA toolbox in the Matlab environment, or a user who wants to test the LNS ALU in the Celoxica DK1 simulation environment.

This evaluation CD-ROM has been distributed at the 12th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Application in Montpellier, France.

The CD-ROM package contains:

  • HSLA C libraries
  • HSLA Matlab Toolbox
  • Celoxica DK1 simulation modules
  • Celoxica Handel-C examples
  • Documentation

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