EdkDSP SDK - Application Programming Interfaces


This package contains two APIs for programming of accelerators based on UTIA EdkDSP platform. The first interface is prepared for programming accelerator's firmware. The second interface contains functions for user's software running on the root CPU. The interface provides communication with hardware accelerators. The package contains both APIs in two versions, each for one version of hardware accelerators.

Package Summary

Title EdkDSP SDK - APIs
Filename edkdspsdk-api-2.0.1.zip
Package content ZIP archive with API libraries and header files
Size 4805354 Bytes
MD5 checksum 39ab156d24a476b8a152fea82de065c3
Required tools
& platform
PB-toolchain is required for PB2 and PBBCE API
and Xilinx MB/PetaLinux toolchain is required for WAL API

Result Category

Project number Contract section Year RIV category Comment
Artemis JU 100230
MSMT 7H10001
T2.2,T2.3 2 R

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