Pilot line for Advanced Nonvolatile memory technologies for Automotive microControllers, High security applications and general Electronics

PANACHE is the ENIAC KET Pilot Line project addresses subprogram 6. Design technologies and 7. Semiconductor process and integration.

PANACHE project objective is to set-up a pilot line for embedded Flash technology design and manufacturing platform for the prototyping of innovative microcontrollers in Europe. The current 40nm technology platform as well as the already defined 55nm technology platform will be developed and consolidated in order to build a solid manufacturing platform on these technology nodes. The project will also extend to build the basic blocks of the technology node after 40nm; with the ambition to achieve a prototyping maturity for a new BEOL based non-volatile memory architecture suitable with the 28 nm node.

To achieve this goal of generating high value added semiconductor circuits in Europe in a breakthrough leading edge technology the project will deploy all the necessary activities to bring a new technology to an early industrial maturity stage. These activities encompass such developments as: technology enhancements for various specific application requirements such as wide temperature range and reliability, high security requests, high flexibility, design enablement allowing first time silicon success, prototyping demonstrator products in the different application areas: Automotive, Consumer/Industrial and Secure, insuring reliability of technology and designs.

Project results

Please, do not hesitate to contact Jiri Kadlec for more information.

Acronym: PANACHE
Name: Pilot line for Advanced Nonvolatile memory technologies for Automotive microControllers, High security applications and general Electronics
Project No.: ENIAC JU 621217
MSMT 7H14006
Call: ENIAC-2013-2
  • STMicroelectronics Crolles, France (project coordinator)
  • STMicroelectronics Grenoble (ST-ALP and ST-GRE), France
  • STMicroelectronics Le Mans, France
  • CEA LETI Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, France
  • Gemalto SA, France
  • Thales Communication & Security SAS, France
  • Laboratoire des Technologies de la Microelectronique, CNRS-LTM, France
  • Adixen Vacuum Products, France
  • Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany
  • IHP Leibniz institute for innovative microelectronics, Germany
  • Technische Universitaet Darmstadt, Germany
  • ASM Belgium N.V., Belgium
  • ASM Microchemistry Oy, Finland
  • Institute of Microelectronic Applications, Ltd., Czech Rep.
  • Institute of Information Theory and Automation of the CAS, Czech Rep.
  • Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain
  • TUBITAK, Turkey
  • Sabanci University Nanotechnology Research and Application Center, Turkey
  • Inovent Coop., Turkey
  • LiveU Ltd., Israel
Duration: 1 January 2014 - 31 March 2018
