ALMARVI Python Camera Platform


This is an evaluation version of UTIA video processing solution with software sobel filter example. Used hardware is based on Trenz carrier board and Zynq SoM with avnet FMC IMAGEON extension board equipped with Python 1300 camera module. This video processing solution is used in ALMARVI project as a common platform extensible by hardware accelerators in FPGA fabric.

This is an evaluation version of Petalinux based video processing platform employing Python 1300 camera, Trenz carrier board and Zynq System on Module (SoM) and Avnet FMC IMAGEON extension board. Simple sw sobel filter example running on the platform is also provided.

The APCP package is provided by UTIA in two versions; this evaluation and full version. The evaluation is free and available for download from UTIA ZS web pages as it contains only documentation and precompiled bitstreams. The full version contains also hardware project with all necessary IP cores and support for Petalinux compilation. Thus the full version supports the extension of FPGA design by custom hardware blocks and linux image customization. Full version of the platform is available to ALMARVI project partners as a baseline design to be extended by custom hardware accelerated image/video processing components.

Package Summary

Title ALMARVI Python Camera Platform
License free evaluation, bistreams only
for sources, please contact authors listed in package documentation
Package content zip archive with bitstreams and binaries
Size ZIP file: 11282874 Bytes
PDF file: 618319 Bytes
Required tools
Xilinx Vivado, SDK and Petalinux all in 2015.4 version
Installation notes
  • Download package
  • Unzip package
  • Follow instructions given in documentation

Result Category

Project number Year RIV category Comment
7H14004 2016 Gfunk Functional sample (demo)

Kontaktní osoba

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